Tag Archives: Gulch

Game Changer For Atlanta

20 Mar
The Atlanta Thrashers play in Philips Arena.

Image via Wikipedia

High level of interest in Gulch

By Rachel Tobin

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Cousins Properties and a team of other well-connected firms were chosen to develop a transit hub and “mini-city” downtown on Monday. The project is slated for the “Gulch,” the forlorn tangle of railroads tracks and parking lots, mostly used by Falcons tailgaters and people headed to nearby attractions like Philips Arena and CNN Center.

he next day, Gov. Nathan Deal told downtown leaders, “The Gulch project is moving forward. I believe it will be an important part of our transportation system and put Georgians back to work.”

A day later, David Doss told fellow members of the Georgia Department of Transportation board, “I have been saying for months and months: This is a game-changer for the city of Atlanta and could be a new front door.”

Full story at http://www.ajc.com/business/high-level-of-interest-878410.html